Thursday, March 30, 2017



Teaching runs in our family from my grandmother down to her children, especially my mother. Granny was their first teacher who taught them to love learning and sharing. They have always liked to teach. When my mother was young, she carried a chalkboard to their front yard to play school with her siblings. Hence, it was not peculiar for me to grow up with my four aunties, together with my mother, who were all elementary teachers in our province. Though my mother did not persuade me to become a school teacher myself, it was innate to me to have passion in teaching.
I purposely applied in J-P English as an online teacher and I have not regretted it for the past three years. Teaching in the company has been a wonderful experience for me and I have been lucky enough to be part of an organization that shares the same vision with me – education, I believe is the most important thing one can contribute to the world.
Elders often say that education is one thing no one can take away from us and that it is a continuous process. J-P English Corp. caters both young and adult online learners. These students are all busy in their personal and career endeavors but they still make time to go in front of their computers or laptops and take English conversation lessons from Japan. They are devoted to learn the language that is also why the company puts them first. The company and I have joined forces to help the students become even better.


Two years ago I started teaching online in J-P English Corp. An incredible world of teaching has opened up to me.
When a door closes, a window opens as the saying goes. I was worried when I graduated from the university on how I would land a job if corporate companies will always look for experienced applicants. As I heard from a fellow job seeker before, ‘How would I have an experience if I am always denied because I am a newly graduate?’ I smiled on the thought that he has a point. However, the experiences of job hunting and failing stimulated me more to find a job and be hired. That’s when I saw the job advertisement of J-P English on the Internet. Technically, I did not take up a teaching course in college; hence, I do not have teaching experience. Fortunately, the company entertains hopefuls from all career fields, with or without teaching experience, and what’s the best requirement? Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
I have been in the industry for two years now but it is still fresh in my mind when I was interviewed about having the skills is vital but to possess the right attitude is absolutely necessary. In  J-P English, I have worked within a team of people. We always, if not, often talk regarding work. No matter how bad it gets, there is someone somewhere that would do anything for the job. Therefore, we always humbly express our gratitude towards one another at work.
“Don’t work harder than your competition, be your own competition”, says Behdad Sami, an Iranian American professional basketball player. I, together with other online teachers in J-P, am conscious about the quality of our service. We have improved ourselves to work with one another to provide satisfactory lessons for our students and to contribute to the world through English education.


We Filipinos pride ourselves on being one of the biggest English speaking countries in the world. We are known to be able to speak the language at least conversationally or at best at a native level.  However, if we look closely, Filipinos in truth, make a ton of errors not only in pronunciation and spelling but also in grammar. This is evident from numerous Facebook and other social media posts, as well as in the streets. Here, we have a list of the 6 English grammar mistakes commonly made by Filipinos.
  1. Saying ‘more + adjective + er’
One common mistake that Filipinos make in spoken English is adding the word ‘more’ in front of an adjective which is already in the comparative degree, like ‘more bigger’ or ‘more faster’. Just say, bigger or faster.
  1. Your and You’re
This is a common blunder when it comes to written English. ‘Your’ and ‘You’re’ are quite different from each other. ‘Your’ implies possession while ‘You’re’ is a contraction that stands for ‘You are’.
  1. Their, They’re, and There
Just like the previous one, this is commonly seen in written English. Remember, ‘Their’ is used for denoting possession. ‘They’re’ is used to shorten ‘They are’ and ‘There’ is used to point out a location.
  1. Interchanging It’s and Its
This one is understandably confusing for some since we were taught that “‘s” implies possession. However, for this case, it should be noted that ‘It’s’ is short for ‘It is’ while ‘Its’ indicates ownership.
  1. Confusing “He” and “She”
Another common mistake in Filipinos’ spoken English is interchanging the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘she’. This is of course reasonably confusing for a person whose native language doesn’t have separate pronouns for the male and female genders.
  1. Saying I will going to
Using the words ‘will’ and ‘going to’ side by side in the same sentence is surprisingly common to hear. In this case either say, ‘I’m going to’ or ‘I will’. Don’t place them together.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017



Two years ago I started teaching online in J-P English Corp. An incredible world of teaching has opened up to me.
When a door closes, a window opens as the saying goes. I was worried when I graduated from the university on how I would land a job if corporate companies will always look for experienced applicants. As I heard from a fellow job seeker before, ‘How would I have an experience if I am always denied because I am a newly graduate?’ I smiled on the thought that he has a point. However, the experiences of job hunting and failing stimulated me more to find a job and be hired. That’s when I saw the job advertisement of J-P English on the Internet. Technically, I did not take up a teaching course in college; hence, I do not have teaching experience. Fortunately, the company entertains hopefuls from all career fields, with or without teaching experience, and what’s the best requirement? Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
I have been in the industry for two years now but it is still fresh in my mind when I was interviewed about having the skills is vital but to possess the right attitude is absolutely necessary. In  J-P English, I have worked within a team of people. We always, if not, often talk regarding work. No matter how bad it gets, there is someone somewhere that would do anything for the job. Therefore, we always humbly express our gratitude towards one another at work.
“Don’t work harder than your competition, be your own competition”, says Behdad Sami, an Iranian American professional basketball player. I, together with other online teachers in J-P, am conscious about the quality of our service. We have improved ourselves to work with one another to provide satisfactory lessons for our students and to contribute to the world through English education.


Regardless if online teachers are new or experienced, they will inevitably commit lapses. The bottom line is to avoid making mistakes and learn from those errors. Here are the two common missteps that online teachers encounter and how to avoid each.
30:70 Ratio
Online classes are often provided for 25 to 75 minutes every day. Some behavioral problems occur when students are not engaged in lessons especially if teachers are talking a lot. Teachers should maximize student talking time since online classes are generally short. Teachers must keep students working.
How to avoid the mistake
Teachers have to allow students to speak in answering questions, make their response longer, practice reading, improve pronunciation, and basically let them express their thoughts more. Teachers may also encourage students to ask questions. It will save time to focus on what students need to work on.
ABC (Appearance and Background on Camera)
Most online lessons are conducted through video; hence, whether teachers work as an office- or a home-based online teacher, appearance and background should be given consideration. Though, only a few online ESL teaching companies require uniform, it does not mean that teachers can wear whatever they want whenever they like. Moreover, one of the job qualifications for home-based online teaching position is to have a working environment conducive for online classes. Certain parts of the house or work place, family members, or pets walking behind should not be seen in the background.
How to avoid the mistake
Teachers have to dress in a professional manner. Appropriate clothing will earn students’ respect and set the mood for interaction with each other. Teachers should not wear any revealing or provoking clothes; body fitting tops, plunging necklines, sportswear, and sleeping attire. Teachers may put on a collared shirt, short-sleeved polo, or blazer if one has to wear a dress or blouse. Teachers must also have a clean haircut or apply light make up to look presentable in front of the camera. Teachers have to find a quiet and neutral place where to hold a lesson. They may use a curtain as a backdrop or choose a small portioned-off area of a room.



Admittedly, English can be a confusing language to non-native speakers. This is mainly due to the spellings and pronunciations of numerous words. Added to that is the way that many of the English words we know today had entirely different meaning now compared to when they were first coined. Below are 8 examples of these words:


In roman times addicts were broke folk given as slaves to the people they owed money to.


In the 1300s it originally meant “inspiring wonder” and was a short version of “full of awe”. But now the word has purely negative connotations.


From “bambino”, the Italian word for “little child”, it once meant “fellow, chap or one of the boys” in theatrical circles.


Referring to someone as a bully in the 16th century was like calling them “darling” or “sweetheart” – probably from the Dutch word “boel”, meaning lover or brother.


Derived from the Latin nescius meaning “ignorant”, the word began life in the 14th century as a term for “foolish” or “silly”.


In its earliest uses, it referred to things worthy or blessed; from there it came to refer to the weak and vulnerable, and more recently to those who are foolish.


If you had a myriad of things 600 years ago, it meant that you specifically had 10,000 of them — not just a lot.


This word used to mean full of artistic and technical skill.


Monday, March 27, 2017


Being an excellent teacher is never easy. Mistakes are committed from time to time as you try to figure out what teaching style and class management technique works best for you. This is understandable most of the time. However, there are some mistakes that can damage both your reputation as an instructor and your student’s progress. Here is a list of the 8 worst mistakes you can make in class.
  1. Taking up all the talking time
First of all, taking up all the talking time in an English class is obviously counterproductive since to master another language, constant practice is certainly necessary. Aside from that, talking too much will hinder communication and discourage your student from speaking out in the future. Some of the worst ways teachers do this are by rambling, completing the student’s sentences and even echoing their statements. They are not only distracting but quite rude and frankly, serve no point at all. Stick to the 30:70 talking ratio and remember that “Silence is golden”.
  1. Not preparing enough
This is definitely one of the worst things to do as a teacher. Facing your student and not knowing what to do or how to proceed is not exactly the best way to boost your student’s confidence in your skills. You will appear disorganized, confused and probably start rambling and make more mistakes due to nerves. Even in free conversation classes, a little preparation goes a long way.
  1. Rushing through the lesson/material
Trying to finish 10 pages in a single class at the expense of the quality of learning the student will receive is not something to aim for. Just because you taught the lesson doesn’t mean that it has been learned. Never neglect to check the student’s comprehension by asking quick questions related to the topic. Believe me, your students will thank you for it.
  1. Not correcting your own errors
This one occurs more often than you might think. Some teachers get so absorbed in the class or conversation that they forget to check themselves and accidentally commit grammar and/or pronunciation errors, realize it and then fail to correct themselves. What these instructors forget is that the way you talk affects your student in the long run. That grammar/pronunciation mistake you made may be taken as correct by the student or worse, be noticed and make the student have doubts about your English ability.
  1. Overusing jargons (without explanation)
Another one is overusing technical terms during class without explaining what they mean first. There are hundreds of terms used when studying English grammar and you can’t expect a student to be familiar with all of them when even native speakers are not. If you want to use grammar terms, make sure to properly introduce them to the student first.
  1. Telling your students that something is, “easy” or “so easy.”
In the wrong context, this is probably one of the worst things to say to your student. It implies that if they don’t understand your lesson, they are ‘slow’ or worse than your other students. Instead, it would be better to make them understand that all these lessons require different levels of effort and that they can master them with constant practice.
  1. Not giving proper feedback
Feedback is something that teachers must never neglect to give to the student. As learners, it is very important for them to know where their strengths and weaknesses lie so that they can properly work on them. With these students taking lessons day after day, hearing that they are making progress, even just a little gives them the motivation they need to continue learning and avoid frustration.
  1. Not knowing the student’s name
This is probably one of the most offensive things you can do to a student. It implies that they are unremarkable to you or worse, that you’re not interested in teaching them at all. Just think how frustrating and embarrassing it would be for you if your own professor or boss didn’t know who you were.



While a lot of people are interested in Japan and its people as well as culture, there are still common misconceptions that are generally thought of as true by people from other nations. Here are 5 of them:
1. Everything in Japan is hi-tech.
While Japan does have hi-tech trains, cars, gadgets and even toilets, both Japanese government employees and the private sector still use a lot of paper. In fact, it is still common in Japan to use cassette tapes and fax machines.
2. Japanese people are religious.
Japanese people take pride in a lot of things — family, good manners, and honor, but religion is not included in this. Buddhism which in itself does not include a supernatural deity is the major religion in the country.
3. Japan is a small country.
It might look like it compared to say, Canada or Russia, but Japan is in truth, the 62nd largest country in the world by landmass, which means that it’s larger than almost 4/5 of the countries of the world.
4. Everyone in Japan loves anime and manga.
Japan is the largest producer of anime and manga, but just like in other countries, these things are not for everyone. In addition, people who are really into anime, manga or games are likely to be labeled as nerds (otaku).
5. Japanese people eat sushi every day.
Sushi is probably the most well-known Japanese dish in the world, but it’s not exactly a staple meal. Traditional Japanese meals usually consist of rice paired with miso soup, vegetables and meat.




Online ESL teaching is a growing industry for people who have the passion for both teaching and the English language. It is also open for people who are looking for either part-time or full-time work. The ever-growing demand for online teachers has presented private businesses with the opportunity to fulfill their desire to aid people in their goal to learn this language and to earn money at the same time.  That is also why ESL companies are always on the lookout for the best teachers who can help them in accomplishing such goals.
But what makes a good and efficient online ESL Teacher?
For English teachers, proficiency in the language is not the only way to measure their competence.
Different factors such as teaching techniques and attitude play crucial roles in conducting a successful class. Below is a list of desirable traits that any student will appreciate with their instructor:
Expertise/Mastery of the subject
It is a given fact that instructors must be knowledgeable in their subject content. Not only does this allow the teacher to quickly and simply answer the student’s questions, it also builds confidence for both the instructor and pupil.
Computer skills
This doesn’t mean that the individual has to be an expert on computers. The job simply requires for the instructor to be able to navigate the basic tools and functions that they will frequently use, such as search engines, Skype, and the teaching websites, as well as to be comfortable in using them. Since the majority of companies in this industry provide information and basic training, this should not be an issue for most.
Not all students have the same skill level and not all of them can pick up a concept as quickly as the other. Furthermore, technical issues do occur from time to time and so instructors must have enough patience and remain calm in order to deal with such incidents.
Encouraging attitude
The best teachers in whatever setting can encourage and bring out the best in their students. A teacher must know when and how to provide feedback, corrections, and encouragements, as well as to ask and answer questions. Simply put, a teacher’s attitude will in fact greatly influence the student’s learning.
Every learner is different and so a teacher must be prepared to handle varying types of personalities, skill levels, and situations. An instructor must be flexible enough to be able to adjust to different teaching styles and contents in order to deliver the best lesson to the student.
Reading all of this, the amount of effort that teachers exert might seem daunting; however, teaching is also an extremely rewarding career and it is good to always remember that an educator is ultimately a part of every student’s success.
For those who are interested in starting or expanding their online teaching career, J-P English Corp. is currently looking for Filipinos who can fluently speak English to help their students learn English either part-time or full-time. Schedules are flexible and the company offers both office-based and home-based employment options.  Training and teaching materials are also provided and so first-time teachers are welcome to apply. Simply direct any inquiries or applications to or visit the website at


Readiness helps online teachers provide an effective, efficient, and satisfying learning experience. Prepare to teach online by following the guidelines below:
  1. Check everything you need to start.
Inspect if you have the correct equipment such as a wired Internet connection plugged into a laptop or a desktop computer, a headset with external microphone, and a clear webcam. Test if they all work beforehand to avoid any technical problems that might occur during a lesson. Troubleshooting is time consuming whether doing it yourself or consulting a computer expert.
  1. Set up an adequate working space.
It is important to have a decent place to conduct your classes. It should be free from distractions and noise. It affects the class and can be a ground for a student’s complaint.
  1. Know the essential websites.
Be knowledgeable regarding where things are. Log in your assigned username and password. Learn the contents of the site to understand how to work on it better.
  1. Do your homework.
Study the subject carefully to have an idea of what you are going to teach your student. What method of approach will you provide? Do not assume anything from the student and try to be familiar with his expectations instead.
  1. Have the important contact information.
Important contact information will come in handy. When working either office- or home-based, you must know who and how to notify in case of work-related situations – for example; Internet connection problem, teacher’s schedule and attendance, and other concerns.
  1. Keep track of your time.
Monitor the time. You should log in your class according to the schedule. Conduct the class for the required lesson time. Extension of class is upon approval, yet you should start and finish on time especially when having consecutive classes.
  1. Find out who your student is.
Be aware of the students’ names, log in details, and materials used in classes. Avoid finding yourself without that essential information because it would be inconvenient to look for it in the last minute.
  1. Master technology.
It would be better for you to learn how to navigate computers since you will be communicating with the student using the machine for most of the class time. Being familiar with your devices can help you a lot during your class.
  1. Inhale. Exhale.
The experience of studying a language online can be frightening for students as you are nervous teaching it. Be an active listener and a sensible conversant at the same time. Breathe, relax, and smile!
Online teaching is a wonderful opportunity. Experience it with us by sending your updated resume to or communicating via Skype:jpnetworkhrd. Visit the company website at

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Nowadays, more and more people are turning to online jobs as an alternate means of earning money, either doing it full-time or using their spare time from their usual day jobs. This is because, despite several downfalls, the benefits definitely outweigh the disadvantages.
Working online can change your life in different ways. All you need is the equipment, a reliable internet connection, and of course the motivation to stay responsible. Here are 5 ways teaching online can change your life.
  1. No more getting stuck in traffic
Say goodbye to Manila’s toxic traffic jams! This means no more rushing out of bed every day just to beat the morning rush. Not having to commute to work on a daily basis will definitely give you more time for sleep and other activities. It can lower your stress levels and help your budget too.
  1. Flexible hours
So, you’re a night owl? Then use those sleepless hours to work online and earn some extra cash. Busy schedule? Most online jobs offer the chance to work on the weekends or any spare time you have. Have your teaching schedule out of your regular office hours or that doctor’s appointment you just can’t miss.
  1. Improving your computer and communication skills
Navigating Skype and teaching websites is not exactly rocket science, but for people who are new or are not used to them, constant practice will definitely lead to some improvement. Another skill that will be improved by online teaching is your communication. Oh, you might think that you can express yourself pretty well, until you try having a class with a beginner student, that is. After all, there’s no better way to learn how to communicate simply and concisely than trying to teach and have a conversation with a foreign student.
  1. Teach the subject that you love and become the teacher you wish you had
If you love the English language, then, chances are you also love sharing it with others. In the ESL industry, passion is a huge factor that many students and employers look for. Remember that English teacher you always wished you had? This is your chance to be that for your students and be rewarded by experiencing the fulfillment that comes from knowing that you made a difference.
  1. Get to know people from overseas
Getting new students means meeting new people from other countries. The different cultures and backgrounds of these students give you a new perspective and the ability to think about things in a way you never have before. It also makes you leave your comfort zone by letting you talk to people you will normally rarely encounter. In a way, it’s like traveling abroad without the need to get a passport and visa (or that expensive plane ticket).
These are just some of the changes you can expect to come hand in hand with online teaching, so for those who are still hesitant to try, I encourage you to start your online teaching career with us. We have a team of fun and friendly support staff and highly qualified trainers and coaches who will get you teaching like a pro in no time!
Come join J-P English Corp.’s growing team of passionate teachers and explore the many benefits teaching can bring you.
For more details, you may email us at or add us on Skype: jpnetworkhrd. You may also visit our website at
