Monday, October 16, 2017



While online teaching is popular as a sort of side job for many, contrary to popular belief, it can also be a full-time job if the teacher chooses for it to be so. Of course, it is sometimes not easy to live your life to the fullest and work at the same time. According to specialists, the key to managing both is to focus on a plan, be organized, and find the right balance between being with your family, having a social life and working as a professional. The following recommendations may help you experience a work-life balance.
Have a family calendar.
It is a good thing to not only know about the bills, school activities, significant occasions and such in your family. Consider making a family command station where to put a calendar together with the essential belongings like keys, charger, spare batteries, and petty cash. It will help you manage your schedule without missing any important dates.
Always communicate.
This is very important to monitor the activities and other things the members of your family are getting busy with. In this way, you can decide on when you can take online classes and how will you conduct it if you are working from home because you will not be disturbed easily.
Limit distractions.
Use your time well. Discipline yourself into refraining from doing activities that will consume the time that you can use to finish other more important tasks such as browsing Facebook and other social media sites during your work hours. This can be applied whether you are an office-based or a home-based teacher because you own your time and you are the only one who can make the most of it.
Make time for social activities.
It will be very helpful to enjoy yourself and strengthen your bonds with not only your family but your friends as well.
Go on dates.
Exert effort to go on dates with your partner regularly despite the workload or household chores.
Have a ‘me and myself’ time.
It is necessary to give time to yourself to attend to your personal needs and recharge as well. It would be favorable to have regular exercise and quality time in your spiritual life.
Sources & References:
From the subsidiary of PhilStar Daily, Inc.



The company is very considerate to their employees, I have been working with the company for less than a year and I never had trouble with the processes and the administrators are very kind. The company gives us sufficient training online whenever necessary.

I do not have complaints or any bad experiences so far. I know that all administrators are easy to approach and the teachers won’t have a hard time dealing with difficult situations.

Please continue offering small incentives based on performances to motivate the teachers and the workers. Skills assessment from time to time to make sure that the teachers are engaged in every class.



Four years of grueling hard work and you’ve finally gotten your coveted college degree. You probably came out of your graduation ceremony excited and ready to take on the professional world, yet it’s been months of sending applications and attending interviews and still, you remain unemployed. It’s at this point that you realize that landing a job nowadays isn’t as easy as you always thought it would be. Rejection after rejection and finally, you ask yourself – Could you possibly be doing something wrong?
Well, failing a job interview doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a bad candidate. Perhaps the company simply found another person whose profile was a better match for what they were looking for at the time. Still, there are many reasons why applicants fail, most times due to the small things that they do or sometimes not do during the interview process. Here are some of them:

  1. Confidence Problems
Confidence can be a big issue when it comes to job interviews and too little or too much of it can leave a not so positive impression on your prospective employers. Low confidence implies lack of trust in your own skills, while overconfidence paints you as self-important. Try for the middle-ground instead. Breathe and try to relax.  Do your best to appear confident enough to talk about your skills and experiences, but humble enough not to be seen as arrogant.
  1. Poor Manners and Unprofessional Behavior
Manners matter and this is particularly true for situations such as job interviews where you need to put your best foot forward. Therefore, rudeness and any unprofessional behavior should be avoided at all costs. Said behaviors include, but are not limited to: being late, acting too casually or rudely to the interviewer and other existing employees, using your phone or placing it on the table during the interview, and having a sloppy appearance, etc.
  1. Lack of Knowledge About the Job/Company
In this day and age, almost everything can be found online. This includes most companies’ websites, LinkedIn and Facebook pages where you can find a wealth of information about the organization you’d like to join. Lacking knowledge about the company or the job you’re applying for shows disinterest and indicative of laziness. Do your best to avoid this and show the hiring manager your extent of interest by doing even a bit of research beforehand. Take time to learn the company’s profile, mission, and vision.
  1. Unpreparedness
When you’re trying to land a job, then it’s a given that you must also be prepared to impress your interviewer. To do this, you must make a good impression and one way of doing that is to always come prepared. Not only with your knowledge about the company and its history, but with basic things as well, such as your documents and certificates or even just an extra hard copy of your resume. Sure, you might have already sent them a copy online, which is probably how you got invited to the interview in the first place, but bringing a tangible copy that the hiring manager can refer to during the process would be very helpful. They might not ask for it, but if they do, then you’ll automatically appear more prepared than the candidate who decided not to bring a copy of his documents.
  1. Asking the Wrong Questions or Asking No Questions At All
It’s interesting how a majority of candidates fail to ask good questions or any questions at all at the end of their interviews. It is true that asking too many questions particularly unrelated ones are discouraged, but asking good questions actually shows your level of interest in the job you’re applying for. If you’re afraid to make a mess out of it by coming up with questions on the fly, then prepare your questions the night before. Ask for more information about the daily tasks or how soon they would like you to start if you get hired for the job, for example. On the other hand, avoid asking questions such as: “Can I be late for work?” or “What salary do you offer for this position?” as it leaves a negative impression. If you get hired, they will discuss these details with you.

Sources and References:



The staff is friendly and helpful. They attend to the teacher’s questions and concerns immediately. The monitoring staff will always remind you of your schedule but of course, it’s the teacher’s responsibility to check if he/she has a new booking for the day. You can also choose your own class schedule. You can freely close a slot as long as you tell the staff ahead of time and no student has booked it yet. There are also lots of schools in this company so there are more chances of getting bookings. The staff is also accommodating when it comes to instructing the teachers on how to use the materials assigned for certain schools.
It’s hard to get bookings at the start. On the other hand, the staff will help by giving you substitute classes in your open schedule. Making lesson memos after each class is another con since it can consume a lot of time because it has to be detailed.




English is weird. This is something that people have simply accepted and unless you’ve been living under a rock, chances are that you’ve encountered at least a few of the inconsistencies that comprise one of the most widely used languages in the world today.
Spelling is one thing, but even when spoken, the language is full of rules, contradictions, and exemptions that can make a person’s head spin. Still not convinced? Here are three reasons why English is such a strange language:
  1. English is not a phonetic language.
Basically, this means that unlike many languages whose words are spelled the way they sound, when spoken, the English language contains 44 different sounds derived from only 26 letters when written. One letter can have many different sounds, which for people unfamiliar with the language, would be impossible to discern only from the spelling.
  1. English words are littered with silent letters.
Over, the past few hundred years, there has been a steady effort to standardize the spelling of English words. In the 16th century, the people who were in charge of putting together the dictionaries as we know them today, decided to pay tribute to the words’ Latin origins and reflected it through spellings. Thus, we now have “debt” from the word “debitum” and “receipt” from “recepta“. This is understandable for words with Latin origins, but what isn’t, is applying the same concept to words that don’t, such as changing the spelling of the Old English word “yland” or “iland” to “island“.
  1. Saying what you mean can be complicated.
Idioms can often be found in many different languages, with its numbers reaching to thousands in some cases and believe it or not, there is an estimate of at least twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions in the English language. This is according to Wikipedia’s page on the subject. Most origins or derivations of these idioms have been lost to time and while using them to insert playfulness and creativity in our way of speaking and writing can be fun, it’s most likely that readers who are new to the language will be too confused and bewildered to understand them in the first place.
Why is English like this? What made it so strange? Well, it all boils down to history as English actually started as essentially German and throughout history developed into what it is today through the fusion of words and spellings from different languages. As such, English has thousands of derived words together with its native ones expressing the same things, just with different levels of formality. For example, Help is English, aid is French, and assist is Latin. Or, kingly is English, royal is French, regal is Latin.
None of these reasons stop people from acquiring English as their second language of course, but with all its structural oddness when compared to other languages, it’s a wonder we learned English at all!
Sources & References: